Alex had the opportunity to attend Discerning Direction at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. 4 students from SSPP along with one of their religion teachers made the trek to Massachusetts for the 2 day conference. Alex really enjoyed himself and I'm thankful for the opportunity for him to have him attend. Next up on his traveling agenda is a missions club trip to Gallup, NM in June.
Tonight was the Spring Sports Banquet. Alex likes to attend to show his support for all the sports teams at school. This year was a little tougher for him sportswise because we made him miss the last few games due to not turning in class assignments on time. It was a nice evening with good food. All the spring teams were recognized. It's wonderful to see how many students participate for such a small school. When the baseball team was announced, Alex was totally surprised when his coach awarded him the Most Improved Player award. He went from only playing a handful of innings last year to being their starting 3rd baseman.
Alex had to be in Easton early this morning to help work a yard sale for his missions club. I decided to the little ones to Tuckahoe State Park for the couple of hours that he was working instead of going home. Here's some pics of our time there...
And no it's not mine ;) My sister had her second son on May 6. Liam Joseph was born at 9:27, weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 20.5" long. Welcome to the world, Liam!