Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have been so congested these last few days. My head hurts, my eyes are scratchy and I just don't feel well in general. I think it's weather's finally gotten cold here and every time there is a change in weather it totally screws up my head.

I went to an IEP meeting for Bekah's speak. It was with the school principle, speech teacher and head of the special ed department. They didn't discuss anything in the meeting that I didn't already know. Basically Bekah has articulation problems with certain letters and while she can say the letters by themselves, when they are in words, she substitutes other sounds for them. She's making improvement but it's slow going at the moment so her teacher is recommending that she continue with her twice a week independent sessions. We tried a couple of sessions with her in with a group of kids but it didn't go well. Her teacher thinks it's because the other kids were older than her and that she was intimidated. She's doing much better now that she's back to individual lessons.

They can make some stupid designs for humidifiers. I bought a new one last night because Adam is starting to sound congested. I set it up in our room and didn't think about it again until Andy came home from softball practice with Kenzie at which point they say that water has leaked out all over the floor. Now that's bad news since our room is carpeted and it was soaked. Talk about being pissed...and I was already feeling crappy so the last thing I wanted to do was to clean up a waterlogged carpet. An hour later, I finally get it dried out. I haven't a clue what happened to cause the humidifier to leak all over the place but this particular humidifier has slits all around the base with just a tiny reservoir to hold the water. If any water comes out of the reservoir it will immediately flow out the holes in the base. I didn't notice this design when I bought the humidifier otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. You can't even touch the thing without having water spill out. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Andy tried testing it to see if he could figure out why it leaked and the container that holds the water ended up breaking so needless to say it got returned this morning as a worthless piece of junk.


Velda said...

someone a little grumpy today honey? lol...glad to know I'm not alone lol...((((Hugs))))

Zboy has the exact same issues with his speech, letter "r" -- they are now suggesting additional help as well...

Deb said...

Well that is frustrating about the humidifier, Vicki.

Most kids grow out of speech issues. Don't stress too much about it. It's quite common and the ability to master all sounds doesn't happen til about age 8. My daughter had the same issues and man, can she talk without a problem now :-)

Kristin said...

{{{Hugs}}} that is so frustrating about the humidifier.

Hope Bekah's speech continues to improve (I know it will).

Martha said...

Some of my kids had difficulty with certain sounds (pray came out "play", bread came out "bled") and I had an awful time with my r's sounding like w's. We all outgrew it without therapy. If Bekah is just four, I suspect she will too.


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