Saturday, January 03, 2009

Friendship Bread

One of the presents we received from my mom this year was some Friendship Bread batter although we have since renamed it Enemy Bread. LOL We made up our first batch a couple of days ago and I couldn't believe how many different ingredients it takes plus just the pita factor of mixing it altogether. We figured you can give it to your enemies and while they are engrossed in finding and mixing all the ingredients, you can attack them and they would never know what hit them. The bread is delicious once you persevere, though. I made up another batch today and this is the result (I forgot to take a picture of the first batch we did). It's so dark because the recipe we have calls to add a box of pudding in it so we decided to try chocolate pudding. We made our first batch with vanilla pudding and I think I like that one the best so far. I think next time we'll try lemon pudding although Kenzie is trying really hard to talk me into making one with cookies n cream pudding. Somehow, I just can't get into that one.


Kristin said...

Yum yum...I love Friendship Bread.

Chris said...

I haven't had friendship bread in years. Use to love it (try pistachio pudding).

Martha said...

When someone gives me a batch, I mix it up into a loaf right away so that I don't make any more enemies. ;)


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