Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back in the Hospital

Adam had a drs appt today to check on his jaundice. Based on his coloring...a nice yellow/orange color, his pediatrician recommended that we get his bili #'s checked so off to the hospital lab we went. We were in and out pretty quickly and after a couple of hours wait at home, we get a call from the drs office saying that his numbers are pretty high (23) and that he thinks it's best that he gets admitted for treatment. So back to the hospital Adam and I go. The nurses we expecting us when we got there and ushered us right into a room. He had his vitals checked and then was put under the bili lights....which he absolutely hated! He cried and cried and cried. Poor thing. And when he would finally stop crying and fall asleep, he would have knocked his glasses off which meant that I needed to readjust them to cover his eyes, which would wake him up and the whole crying process would start again. The nurses finally got him a different set of glasses that stayed on his head a little better so he did better after that. It's funny though, cause most babies love being under the's nice and toasty under there. Here's a couple of pics of him under the lights and one on the day we left.
They tested his numbers every 6 hours and about about 12 hrs under the lights, we could start to see a drop in the numbers. They ended up keeping him til Sunday although they did take him off the lights at midnight Sunday morning and tested him at 6 am to make sure that his numbers wouldn't go back up once he was off the lights. Thankfully they didn't and we were able to come home.


Margaret said...

Glad you're back home. I hope that his numbers stay down!

Velda said...

no no no, my goodness girl you're having a time with that little fellow!!! Glad you're home. Tell him to stay pink...

Tammy said...

What a little peanut. As much as it tugs at my heart to see Adam under the lights, pic #2 of him is too cute. Flaked right out on his back, arms stretched out. Looks like he's the attitude of, "Okay, I'll do it! Get this over with, would ya".

Hope his numbers stay down.


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