I'm officially coming to the end of this pregnancy...only two weeks to go and hopefully it will be sooner than that when I have my appt next week. I had an appt yesterday and things are starting to progress although the baby is still really high. The dr thinks he is head down but that doesn't mean much since my baby's tend to flip around until the very end.
For once, I'm not anxious to have a baby. Usually by this point, I'm ready for them to be out but I'm really hoping this one stays put until at least 9/2. Due to a terrible accident a few weeks ago, they have been doing inspections of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and as of midday Tuesday determined that immediate repairs need to be made to the jersey walls. In order to do these repairs, it's requiring the right lane of the bridge to be shutdown permanently for at least the next 2-3 wks and possibly up to 10 wks once they do a full inspection of the bridge. Needless to say this is wreaking havoc with the traffic (took me 3 hrs to get home today instead of my normal 1hr) and since the holiday weekend is just about upon us, trying to travel across the bridge is going to be a nightmare. I'd just as soon not have to worry about going across the bridge to get to the hospital until after the holiday. So here's hoping the little munchkin decides to stay put until at least Tuesday. The one bright spot to this traffic nightmare is that it will keep me working from home until no need to worry about my 2hr roundtrip commute for awhile.
Be careful...and remember the chant sept 15, sept 15
LOL at Velda.
Saying my own STAY PUT BABY chant here!
Already? Time does fly. It seems not that long ago you announced a new baby. :)
Cooperate with your mama little one!
By now you should know that they have minds of their own, but will add my STAY PUT BABY chant.
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