Sunday, January 07, 2007

What kind of yarn are you?

I saw this on someone's blog as I was popping around today and thought I would find out what it said about me. DH would agree with the liking to be warm part. LOL

You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
Take this quiz!


CindyMae said...

This was mine;

You are Mohair.
You are a warm and fuzzy type who works well with others, doing your share without being too weighty. You can be stubborn and absolutely refuse to change your position once it is set, but that's okay since you are good at covering up your mistakes.

Sunflower said...

cute! I am going to do it on my Sunflower blog:-)


I will Exercise for Comments!

Tina said...

This sounds like you! :o)

. said...

hhehehehe I'm dishcloth cotton. TOTALLY befitting, altho I like the colour of your Merino better :)


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